Our Mission

The Eugene Astronomical Society is a group of amateur astronomers dedicated to observing the sky and learning about the Universe, and sharing that understanding and appreciation of astronomy with students and the general public.

The Eugene Astronomical Society has been doing astronomy education and public outreach for many years. What sets us apart is our commitment to sharing the EYEPIECE with the public. We do "Star Parties!" We have special filters for telescopes for safe viewing of our Sun in action. We are happy to partner with community groups to put our experience in astronomy, observing, telescope building technology, education and outreach to work for your project. Member interests vary. Solar observing, lunar observing, technology, deep sky objects, astrophotography, and slide presentations for groups represent a partial list.

The Eugene Astronomical Society holds club meetings monthly at the Eugene Science Center planetarium in Eugene. Guests are welcome to visit; we ask for a $1 guest contribution. Meetings feature speakers with presentations on topics of interest to club members, current viewing opportunities, telescope help, and star party planning.

Club membership dues are $25.00 a year. Benefits of membership in the Eugene Astronomical Society include a telescope lending program that allows members to experiment with different telescope configurations, subscription discounts to astronomical publications, a club newsletter, technical help and advice, opportunities to share experience and knowledge with others, and opportunities to observe the sky with other astronomy enthusiasts.